Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Sermon Series Focus

January 15:  Take Your Turn
This sermon will focus on agency. No matter who we are or what we are experiencing, we have the power of choice.  God has given us life.  God has given us free will.  God expects us to "take our turn" and make decisions.  Even if we decide not to choose, we still have made a choice.  The sermon will invite people to claim their agency and begin to forge a future with God's guidance.  We need not tread water in our existence, but we can consciously choose and truly experience the life God intends for us to have.

January 22:  Number 1 Rule for Life
This sermon will focus on the "golden rule."  The apostle Paul states that to "love your neighbor as yourself" is to fulfill the entirety of the law.

January 29:  Choices
In the Game of Life, there are a number of "nexus points," where a player must choose between two different options.  What they select determines their future in the game.  We have similar situations in our own lives.  Often, in these situations, the choice is not between good and evil, but between competing good options.  This sermon will address how we determine which pathway we choose for our own lives.  

February 5:  Operational Strategy: Contentment
The Game of Life assumes that winning means having the most money.  Having "more" is also how our culture defines winning at life.  But does having more always mean being happier or more peaceful?  If we are always struggling for more, when do we have "enough" to find contentment.  This sermon will address the meaning of "Godly content" and how it helps us find peace, security and joy in life.

February 12:  Job, Career, Vocation
There is no doubt that we derive meaning in our life by what we do.  It doesn't matter if we work for pay or volunteer, we find fulfillment in our work.  This shouldn't be surprising because God created us to be doers.  From the beginning of creation, God has invested human beings with the responsibility of working in creation.  Work is not a consequence of sin, but a good gift from our Creator.  How we relate to our work, however, makes a difference.  It can be toil, just another job, an opportunity to "climb the ladder," or the fulfillment of a calling.  This sermon will explore how we can better understand our work to find true meaning and fulfillment in our lives.

February 19:  Relationships Matter
God not only created us to be "doers," but also created us to be in relationship with one another.  We are formed as social beings and God does not want us to be alone.  We have both a vertical connection (with God) and horizontal connections (with others).  Life is better and richer when we are in relationship with each other.  This sermon will explore the power of relationships to help us find deep meaning and connection in life.

February 26:  Winning the Game of Life
This sermon will be a reflection on the entirety of the sermon series.  Recognizing that at the end of the Game of Life, there is a totaling up of one's assets to determine a winner, this sermon will explore what God says about a "winning life."  Hint: It's not about the amount of stuff we have accumulated.  It's about how we played the game and who we've touched in the process.

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