Tuesday, March 14, 2017

This week.... Upcoming Sunday 3/19



Special Guest :
Steve Sharpe
Worship Leader, Raleigh
Christian Music Artist

Anyone wanting to play or sing with Steve this Sunday please sign up via the sign up tab. We will review songs during the last 30 minutes of Wed. practice(required for Sunday singing/playing)

•Good Good Father 
•The Anthem 
•Your Grace is Enough
•Search Me(Solo special during offering) 

In Search of Life
This week Wednesday we will continue to work hard on the "In Search of Life songs". Our Focus will be: 

Big Story 
Cross of Christ
(Please see the YouTube play list for the videos for theses songs. Sheet music will be loaded to the song folder as well)

Important: We are in need of additional rehearsals therefore, we will be checking the PB calendar and sending an email with details.  

See you all Wednesday! 

Cinnamon Ruth Leggett
Worship Leader, Raleigh, NC