Monday, July 24, 2017

This Week...Upcoming Sunday 7/30/2017

Lets Begin with this from Wanda....

MUMC Worship Team, You are incredible and you are effecting the lives of many!
John Hofler...Thank you for being spirit led and following "HIM"- I Love you all!


  1. This coming Sunday is the 5th Sunday. Everybody bring a breakfast item to share. We will cut morning rehearsal short and eat together.
  2. There will be no rehearsal on Wednesday August 2nd due to vacation bible school or August 9th due to our family vacation. My plan is to rehearse and plan out all of those songs for the Sundays during this Wednesdays rehearsal
Songs for this Sunday:

Hallelujah "Your Love is Amazing"
Good Good Father

Songs for August 6th:

What a Beautiful Name
Lord you are Good
Falling in Love with Jesus

August 13th: Everyone is Off- Guest Susan Valles

See You Wednesday!!!