Thursday, November 16, 2017

Looking Forward-Christmas

Hi guys! Here's is our holiday schedule and fun events....

First order of business, Joy to the World and Go Tell it On the Mountain

Here is the music link:!AkjB-Z-4WoIeiRUwpFCj5ZyezzaC

Here are the You tubes:

Here are some important dates:

Dec 20th-Christmas Gathering at Miltons.
* please bring a re-gift to play white elephant
* spouses are invited. If you do not have a spouse just bring you :)
Dec 22nd- Millbrook WT is invited to perform 3 songs at the Cinnamon Ruth Leggett Holiday Concert. The concerts begins at 7:30p. Call time is 5:30p
*songs: Joy to the World, O Little Town, O Holy Night

Rehearsals and Christmas
Here are the rest of the Wednesday's for the year plus

Nov 22- No Rehearsal
Nov 29- Vocals Only
Dec 6   - Band Only
Dec 13- All Band/Vocal
Dec 20- No Rehearsal
Dec 27- No Rehearsal
Jan 1  - No Rehearsal

Christmas Sunday 9:45am-All Team
Christmas Sunday 4pm (special service)-Cinnamon
New Years Eve Unity Service  10 am(9am arrival)-All Team