What a great Sunday service. Change is certainly a part of the seasons of life and you all have taken on this change gracefully and wonderfully. Thank you for a great Sunday service!
Please help me welcome Susan and her family again as they, together with the Millbrook worship team, lead worship this Sunday July 14th. Rehearsal will take place on Wednesday at 6:30pm. All that would like to participate in the Sunday worship set are welcome to join Susan for rehearsal on Wednesday. Susan is currently working on a songs list that will be available on Wednesday at rehearsal. (Don't worry. The songs are usually simple, repetitive and easy to learn.)
Sunday Song Folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13PdpJb3PwYDM1ufuQWklqgiZXM5iHnCs
Friendly reminder: Wednesday rehearsal must be attended in order to participate in the Sunday worship music set. Extenuating circumstances will be considered.
Here are a few dates to remember:
-July 24th is our 4th Wednesday worship study.
-August 24th is the Farewell NC Concert by Cinnamon Ruth Leggett
(All that are interested in participating please see me)
Note: We are still looking for volunteers to rotate in the media booth. Please see Liz if you are interested.
Continue to be in prayer for those on our team. We are grateful for the opportunity we have to lift up our concerns to Our Father at all times, in many moments and wherever we are. Prayer is certainly a gift.
Its an honor to walk with all of you!
Cinnamon Ruth Leggett